Post Archives

All blog posts (excluding journal entries)

Devil-mode for Emacs July 20, 2024
Ethicswishing - Robin Berjon July 18, 2024
How about a Blot post? July 18, 2024
File Management Fatigue May 19, 2024
Photography as a record makes less sense as I grow old May 16, 2024
No Thanks - iA May 15, 2024
Reading Wise again May 14, 2024
Taking a break from complicated blogs May 14, 2024
2024-05-14-test-from-obsidian May 14, 2024
Blot subscription May 9, 2024
Using Cleandesk for Emacs April 22, 2024
Blotting with Obsidian April 20, 2024
Gruber and consent April 20, 2024
The current blog situation April 10, 2024
Is this thing on? March 31, 2024
Scribbles March 26, 2024
The Emacs howm package for notes March 25, 2024
How should I define "Simplify"? March 24, 2024
Test of Git sync in Blot March 18, 2024
A (small) improvement to photo display on March 9, 2024
From MacBook Pro to Mac Mini March 8, 2024
Creating a WARC Web Archive using wget March 2, 2024
No longer keeping my notes in a Git repo February 28, 2024
Software that sparks joy February 26, 2024
Sometimes I just want to write stuff in Emacs February 26, 2024
Just dusting off the blog February 19, 2024
iPods January 24, 2024
Sometimes I just want to type stuff January 24, 2024
This is an Org-mode file January 24, 2024
Creating Blot Journal entries using Emacs October 4, 2023
Blot and Org-mode October 3, 2023
org-and-blot October 3, 2023
Blot and Dropbox issue September 29, 2023
Blot permalinks September 29, 2023
Quick blogging from Emacs September 28, 2023
Canceling SmugMug September 28, 2023
Using .bike files as templates in DEVONthink September 28, 2023
Grab the weather forecast using September 26, 2023
RSS feeds as emails using Notmuch and rss2email September 19, 2023 and AI September 18, 2023
I'm in Easy Mode September 18, 2023
Forklift 4 on SetApp September 16, 2023
I haven’t forgotten you, Blot. September 15, 2023
This is the kind of thing I do to myself September 15, 2023
Renaming an item in DEVONthink to match the name of its parent group June 12, 2023
Coming to my senses about Mimestream June 11, 2023
Quote from John Dies at the End June 11, 2023
Hitch-22 June 9, 2023
Overthinking Email June 8, 2023
Reef aquarium update June 7, 2023
Blogging options June 7, 2023
Bone Dance June 7, 2023
Obsidian again? June 5, 2023
No more video games for me June 3, 2023
Mimestream early impressions June 2, 2023
Roll-108 (Leica MP. HP5) June 2, 2023
Mimestream May 30, 2023
Withdrawing from social media May 28, 2023
Bike Outliner May 22, 2023
A week with the (original) Fuji X100 May 18, 2023
Create Arc (Chrome) extensions from bookmarklets May 18, 2023
Restarting my subscription May 16, 2023
Friends (ruby CLI) May 15, 2023
Why am I not taking photos? May 15, 2023
Some old cameras I found in storage May 13, 2023
Snoop Dogg on AI risks May 11, 2023
A couple of Mu4e improvements May 6, 2023
Prepending creation date to selected files using AppleScript (macOS) May 4, 2023
Adding weather info to DEVONthink’s daily journals April 29, 2023
I can’t be trusted with powerful software April 27, 2023
I’m weary of all social media platforms April 27, 2023
Roll-105 (Leica MP, HP5) April 17, 2023
Installing a new sprinkler system controller April 15, 2023
Another Mastodon move April 14, 2023
Barthes on the noise of Time April 9, 2023
Blot is just right April 8, 2023
CotEditor April 6, 2023
Must we become what we’re near? April 3, 2023
Printing April 1, 2023
Wavelength Messenger March 30, 2023
My read-later service is made of paper March 30, 2023
DHH: Why is paid social media a bad idea? March 28, 2023
Nick Brandt on using a digital camera — I hated it March 23, 2023
Leitz Elmar 9cm f4.0 March 22, 2023
It’s time to get back to work March 20, 2023
Roll-104 (Leica M3/HP5) March 19, 2023
More like everyone else March 17, 2023
Is AI short for Albert? March 16, 2023
Back to Org-roam (from Denote) March 16, 2023
Renumbering my index cards March 14, 2023
Scanography March 12, 2023
Viewing Caddy logs by date in GoAccess March 12, 2023
The Spark File March 11, 2023
An Arc browser boost for a better Twitter experience March 6, 2023
Nick Cave on his notebooks March 5, 2023
A fix for backlink display with Org-roam and Doom Emacs March 5, 2023
Using jAlbum for photo galleries March 1, 2023
Everything is here now February 27, 2023
Leica SL2 February 24, 2023
Taking notes while reading February 20, 2023
Sold: Leica M6 February 19, 2023
Using tags for org-refile-targets February 18, 2023
Are there really only three things to photograph? February 18, 2023
Things I can’t quit: Film photography and Emacs February 14, 2023
The iPad as a diversion February 9, 2023
Eleventy and my Daily Notes February 6, 2023
Drummer and Twitter February 3, 2023
My Antinet and Barthes’ “Camera Lucida” February 2, 2023
Roll-101 (Stylus Epic) February 2, 2023
scapegoats January 31, 2023
Indexing my paper notebooks January 29, 2023
shambling-meat January 29, 2023
Contact Sheet: Josie January 26, 2023
Photo wall January 26, 2023
youre-pointing-the-camera-wrong January 25, 2023
Using Blot and iA Writer is just so darn pleasant January 24, 2023
Dropbox test - IGNORE January 23, 2023
Survey results: Blog post format preferences January 22, 2023
Blog posts: Macro, Micro, (and Nano?) January 20, 2023
Evernote in 2023 January 18, 2023
My posts…what goes where? January 13, 2023
Trying again but with digital January 13, 2023
Roll-100 (Hasselblad 500C/M) January 9, 2023
I don’t know what I want January 7, 2023
Darkroom printing with borders January 5, 2023
Roll-099 (Leica MP) January 5, 2023
Roll-098 (Leica MP) January 4, 2023
It behooves me, Paul January 3, 2023
Dog Foot January 3, 2023
Two photography quotes January 1, 2023
Bring back personal blogging January 1, 2023
Back to scanning film with a real scanner December 30, 2022
Ulysses for posting to WordPress? December 30, 2022
Matt Mullenweg on giant header images December 29, 2022
Khoi Vinh’s movie reviews December 28, 2022
What’s their business model? Huh!? December 28, 2022
Say vs Share December 27, 2022
It’s a blog about nothing December 24, 2022
DEVONthink or EagleFiler (or Finder?) December 23, 2022
It was meant to be a workbench but has become a writing desk December 22, 2022
Do I want to write or do I want to fiddle with my blog? December 20, 2022
Tinderbox 9.5 December 15, 2022
My camera situation at the end of 2022 December 10, 2022
The return of my Pipe Guy avatar December 9, 2022
avatar-pipeguy December 9, 2022
avatar-origin-scan December 9, 2022
Mere humans December 5, 2022
What’s good about the Arc browser December 5, 2022
Beyond the Infinite December 5, 2022
Converting Markdown to Org-mode syntax in current buffer December 2, 2022
My first real AI moment December 1, 2022
Keeping my Org Agenda updated based on Denote keywords November 30, 2022
How I’m feeling about large format film photography November 27, 2022
Calm Technology November 24, 2022
Printing web pages November 13, 2022
It’s never the photos one expects to like November 4, 2022
Sunsetting the Canonet October 17, 2022
Fancy Graphs are Fancy October 16, 2022
Alan Moore on comics October 15, 2022
Personal Knowledge Management is exhausting October 10, 2022 move October 7, 2022
Everything is in ~/org September 30, 2022
Apple Studio Display September 24, 2022
Trying something with TiddlyWiki September 22, 2022
Tagging deleted messages in Notmuch September 21, 2022
A (very) short review of the Sigma 35mm L-mount lens September 18, 2022
Roll-085 Leica M3 September 11, 2022
iA Writer vs Emacs September 8, 2022
Dusted off the Blot blog September 1, 2022
What does mean for August 22, 2022
My first salt-water aquarium July 8, 2022
C-x C-c June 29, 2022
TMI? June 23, 2022
Marking a region for highlighting in Hugo posts June 12, 2022
Will I always be a static website person? June 9, 2022
Moving my journal to (mostly) digital June 5, 2022
All of social media… June 3, 2022
Hello, summer… May 31, 2022
Sold: Leica Q2 Monochrom May 27, 2022
Trying a hybrid (digital/analog) workspace May 24, 2022
Reset to Defaults May 20, 2022
I love the HHKB but my pinky hurts May 14, 2022
AirPods Max are amazing but I kind of hate them May 10, 2022
Blogging with Curio May 9, 2022
Use what you have May 2, 2022
Book logging in Emacs April 29, 2022
I need a new film scanner April 23, 2022
Searching Org-roam files April 21, 2022
The West Wing Productivity System April 12, 2022
The kinds of portraits I prefer…Judith Joy Ross, for example April 10, 2022
Comparing film and digital: Mom April 7, 2022
Some unremarkable pens the Internet made me buy April 3, 2022
Publishing portions of my Org-roam database March 27, 2022
Aligning comments in Emacs March 25, 2022
Configuring the org-download save directory March 19, 2022
Feelings about the Leica M10-R March 17, 2022
I love this boring photo of a lamp March 12, 2022
Adding an RSS feed to my wiki March 10, 2022
Fiber-based silver gelatin prints are a wonderful PITA March 8, 2022
Plain text can’t save you if you lose the files March 5, 2022
I enjoy processing film March 1, 2022
The Kodak Retina IIIC February 27, 2022
The Daily Notes Dilemma February 26, 2022
Highlighting in notebooks February 25, 2022
Music: Stream or buy? February 19, 2022
Visual Meditation February 15, 2022
Starting with a clean desk February 15, 2022
Holding a Leica M camera February 13, 2022
Sold the Leica SL2-S and bought a Leica M10-R February 5, 2022
About to give up on making digital prints January 12, 2022
What makes a good family photograph? January 12, 2022
Studio self-portraits January 11, 2022
The shitty camera with you September 7, 2021
The Grafmatic back (and yet another 4×5 failure) August 17, 2021
Large Format: Challenges August 4, 2021
The Linhof Master Technika July 28, 2021
Which Leica gear to keep? July 23, 2021
Betting long on film with a new Leica MP July 9, 2021
A tweak to the photo workflow June 25, 2021
A visual thinker using text-based tools June 18, 2021
Using Zotero as a bookmarking and read-later service June 16, 2021
Dusting off the Olympus Stylus Epic June 16, 2021
Pilot Custom 823 Fountain Pen June 11, 2021
Selling cameras is usually a mistake May 27, 2021
A reluctant Lightroom user May 18, 2021
Writing everything in TiddlyWiki and publishing just the public parts May 8, 2021
May is “Easy Mode” month May 1, 2021
reMarkable is sleeping April 30, 2021
★★★ 3 stars by default April 29, 2021
Tools and Toys April 28, 2021
My new note-taking system: Don’t take notes. April 12, 2021
Are automatic backlinks useful? April 10, 2021
The first photo I uploaded to Flickr March 31, 2021
The Minolta Autocord March 29, 2021
Doom Emacs from scratch March 10, 2021
Book logging in plain text March 6, 2021
How simple can it get? March 5, 2021
No one to replace the fish March 5, 2021
Emacs from Scratch…again March 2, 2021
Onivim 2 - a new (to me) modal editor February 26, 2021
Configuration Fatigue February 23, 2021
A Remarkable Tablet February 21, 2021
Keeping the Leica SL February 8, 2021
Analogging February 2, 2021
NextDNS January 30, 2021
Twtxt and January 30, 2021
Apps I’m using this week January 25, 2021
I can’t decide about self-hosting January 19, 2021
Nadia Eghbal on messaging January 17, 2021
I wish podcasts would go away January 16, 2021
It’s not a good darkroom, but it works January 12, 2021
I forgot I wasn’t going to shoot any film this year January 10, 2021
Following along with all my blogs January 9, 2021
What might I use Craft for? January 9, 2021
Bi-directional linking between anything using Hook January 9, 2021
Time Traveler, by Waltzer January 8, 2021
The answer to “Whom should I let manage my photos?” January 2, 2021
Who should I let manage my photos? December 30, 2020
The Leica APO-Summicron-SL 35mm f/2 ASPH December 27, 2020
The Leica SL2-S = Instabuy December 10, 2020
Daily minutiae and record keeping November 24, 2020
TiddlyWiki is more fun than Roam November 22, 2020
My new (5-year-old) Leica SL November 13, 2020
Am I losing interest in shooting film? November 10, 2020
Manual Schmanual November 1, 2020
A variety of 35mm SLR film cameras October 31, 2020
4×5 Self-portrait with strobe October 25, 2020
Very expired ektar 25 October 25, 2020
Using the Skier Sunray Copy Box 3 for digital film scanning October 24, 2020
Roam and TheBrain, together October 24, 2020
The iPod Classic (revisited) October 23, 2020
Cheating with digital July 30, 2020
Re-retiring the old iPhone SE July 27, 2020
The MyHeritage Photo Enhancer July 26, 2020
Cameras I’m using and cameras I want July 21, 2020
Big Sur beta issues July 19, 2020
I miss Ruby on Rails July 18, 2020
Thinking about learning Clojure July 16, 2020
Moving the blog around again (and again) July 14, 2020
Lathe Updates: Week Ending July 12, 2020 July 12, 2020
Reading Long-Form Web Articles By Printing Them First July 12, 2020
Daily Posts Are Moving Back To “The Lathe” July 6, 2020
iPhone SE OG July 5, 2020
I should just sell the big iPad June 29, 2020
Using HEY for Email June 27, 2020
My iPod Shuffles Off This Mortal Coil June 21, 2020
Nic-a-Pic June 20, 2020
First Impressions of HEY! Email June 20, 2020
Thinking about keeping my Daily Notes here June 18, 2020
Iceberg editor for WordPress June 13, 2020
So, I went with Roam Research and am a True Believer June 11, 2020
The Lost Satisfactions Of Manual Competence — Cal Newport June 9, 2020
I may take a break from 35mm film May 30, 2020
Org-roam vs other Roam-alikes May 29, 2020
Keeping Org-roam Daily Notes in a separate folder May 29, 2020
Part One of My Battles with Emacs - macosxguru May 18, 2020
When I was a smoker May 12, 2020
Take lots of notes — but where? May 12, 2020
Memex of a Matriarch - Violeta Kristof May 11, 2020
Scanning film negatives with a digital camera April 30, 2020
No excuses not to create something April 26, 2020
TiddlyBlink on Glitch April 20, 2020
org-mode In Your Pocket Is a GNU-Shaped Devil - Mike Hall April 19, 2020
Curio 14 public beta April 18, 2020
Painting Eddie April 18, 2020
Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters 🎵 April 17, 2020
More notes about Mylio for photo management April 14, 2020
My wiki is more Roam-like thanks to TiddlyBlink April 14, 2020
Getting started with TiddlyWiki: a beginner’s tutorial - Ness Labs April 14, 2020
Running CloudReady on the 2008 iMac April 13, 2020
Arq 6 upgrade issues - Michael Tsai April 13, 2020
Gallery of meals April 11, 2020
Basement office, phase II April 10, 2020
Using Mylio for photo management April 10, 2020
I’ll be using Org-roam for the time being April 9, 2020
Back to boring keyboards April 7, 2020
Recursion, by Blake Crouch 📚 April 6, 2020
Yet another domain move April 5, 2020
Did we ever really understand film? - Dante Stella April 5, 2020
First draft of new basement workspace April 4, 2020
Falling in love April 4, 2020
My changing attitude about the iPad as a real computer April 4, 2020
YouTube TV and ads April 3, 2020
Making Day One permanent April 1, 2020
I almost forgot about blog-cli for Blot April 1, 2020
Theme change March 31, 2020
Wall for Blot March 30, 2020
Readwise March 30, 2020
Blot revived March 29, 2020
I miss Blot March 29, 2020
I’m not ignoring the pandemic, I’m just not writing about it March 27, 2020
Thoughts vs Records as Notes March 26, 2020
Org-roam and aliases February 29, 2020
Doom Emacs vs my custom Emacs config February 17, 2020
Post Title February 14, 2020
Tot February 14, 2020
My day so far in Roam and/or Emacs February 14, 2020
Early notes about Roam Research February 14, 2020
Sending the Leica M3 in for repair and CLA February 14, 2020
Reining in Emacs February 12, 2020
TiddlyWiki and Roam and my Daily Notes December 22, 2019
Bringing my photos in from the cloud November 9, 2019
Thinking out loud about having the Leica Q September 22, 2019
I am tired August 29, 2019
The Leica M4 is back in action August 6, 2019
Keeping a Digital Print Archive July 7, 2019
See also: July 5, 2019
Org-download and ox-hugo July 2, 2019
Hosting infrastructure changes this weekend June 30, 2019
Pinning Butterflies June 30, 2019
Bitcoin June 27, 2019
Facebook, Libra, and the Long Game (Ben Thompson) June 25, 2019
Meta: No longer automatically cross-posting June 17, 2019
My Dad and I June 16, 2019
Please don’t cancel Keanu (The Outline) June 16, 2019
The Dropbox updates are fine June 13, 2019
Bug Fixes (Paul Ford) June 11, 2019
Daily software stack as of June 06, 2019 June 6, 2019
I tried again with Twitter June 6, 2019
Dark Mode Isn’t ‘Easier on the Eyes’ for Everybody (Vice) June 5, 2019
How did journalists file before Google Docs? (CJR) June 4, 2019
Apple’s Audacity (Ben Thompson) June 4, 2019
Finally, I can tweet knowledgeably on a topic, the new Mac Pro & display (Pusateri) June 4, 2019
I should just get really good at Emacs May 29, 2019
Moving to Startpage for search May 28, 2019
What I Learned Trying To Secure Congressional Campaigns (Maciej Cegłowski) May 28, 2019
When “Read-Only Friday” might still make sense May 23, 2019
Mac Toolbar Labels and Accessibility (Michael Tsai) May 22, 2019
Fontifying org-mode DONE items May 21, 2019
console-theme-in-blot May 17, 2019
I’m Upset: “Eating Healthy” is too much work (The Outline) May 14, 2019
Deleting apps May 14, 2019
Why Paul Ford still loves tech (Wired) May 14, 2019
Everything should take 20 minutes (The Outline) May 13, 2019
Friends of the Pod (N+1) May 13, 2019
Reunited with the iPad Mini May 12, 2019
Microsoft and Linux and a shift away from Apple May 11, 2019
Don Norman on how design fails older consumers May 11, 2019
Seeing the music May 10, 2019
Another brush with Hugo and May 10, 2019
Minimal configuration, just in case? May 2, 2019
Typora, maybe? May 1, 2019
post April 28, 2019
How do you know it’s secure if it’s not physically in your hand? April 27, 2019
Old Photos Are Not Worth Anything - Missy Mwac April 27, 2019
post April 27, 2019
post April 26, 2019
lizzo April 26, 2019
helm-ivy April 26, 2019
My Mac is awesome, so why worry? April 26, 2019
windows April 25, 2019
Pebble Notebooks April 25, 2019
superhuman April 25, 2019
2019-04-24-zombie April 24, 2019
spacemacs-hybrid-mode April 24, 2019
unused-leicas April 23, 2019
My first car April 23, 2019
Correction (fluid) April 23, 2019
Coping with the mechanism April 23, 2019
Centaur emacs April 23, 2019
cdnotebook-twsbi April 22, 2019
paper-guy-fail April 22, 2019
gail April 21, 2019
mom-easter April 21, 2019
annoying-with-the-hasselblads April 21, 2019
Using a Speed Graphic for snapshots April 20, 2019
The Resurrection of DVDs - CJ Chilvers April 20, 2019
cage-the-elephant April 20, 2019
uhk-today April 20, 2019
forklift April 19, 2019
tinderbox-applescript April 19, 2019
cholesterol April 18, 2019
thebrain-and-tinderbox April 18, 2019
private-email April 18, 2019
twsbi-580ALR April 16, 2019
morning-page-count April 16, 2019
Glut: Mastering Information through the Ages April 14, 2019
pig-tmax-p3200 April 14, 2019
tinderbox-8 April 13, 2019
Self-driving cars will be considered unthinkable 50 years from now April 13, 2019
A few favorite objects April 13, 2019
flickr-login April 13, 2019
jess-at-shots April 12, 2019
These photos aren’t for you - Missy Mwac April 11, 2019
trying-to-quit-emacs April 11, 2019
luminar-flex-setapp April 11, 2019
combined-blogs April 11, 2019
agenda April 10, 2019
nvultra April 10, 2019
something-to-say April 10, 2019
Tinderbox meal log badges April 10, 2019
Essays of E.B. White April 4, 2019
FiiO M9 Portable High-Resolution Audio Player March 24, 2019
What not to photograph March 16, 2019
Installing Windows 10, just for “fun” March 14, 2019
What if I don’t build a darkroom? March 13, 2019
The Lesson from Costco’s Photo Lab - Missy Mwac March 10, 2019
Text File Fatigue March 10, 2019
Stuck with Lightroom Classic March 9, 2019
lightroom-classic-and-cc March 7, 2019
Leica announces the Q2 March 7, 2019
gail-2018 March 6, 2019
photo-mechanic-6 March 6, 2019
Dynamic and Startling Interactive Media (circa 1996) March 6, 2019
I’m running a instance March 5, 2019
delicious-library March 5, 2019
hot-dog-and-banana March 5, 2019
jess-hair March 5, 2019
selfie-with-eggs March 3, 2019
isso-for-comments March 2, 2019
I’m happy with my online stuff right now March 2, 2019
lightroom-vs March 2, 2019
emacs-windows March 1, 2019
nord-theme-for-emacs February 28, 2019
programming-useful-not-fun February 28, 2019
trees-in-snow February 27, 2019
tires February 27, 2019
pakon-problems February 27, 2019
blackwing-sharpened February 27, 2019
film-photos February 27, 2019
Sending an Emacs buffer to Day One February 26, 2019
Nibs, Ink and Paper - Om Malik February 26, 2019
olivia-colman February 25, 2019
scroll-normally February 25, 2019
markdown-is-not-org February 25, 2019
Seeking the productive life - Stephen Wolfram February 23, 2019
1 February 23, 2019
The Communal Mind, Patricia Lockwood February 23, 2019
feel-like-a-human February 23, 2019
the-nice-tools February 22, 2019
bbedit February 21, 2019
firefox-or-safari February 21, 2019
missing-safari February 21, 2019
distraction-free February 21, 2019
A rejected tablet accessory February 20, 2019
macjournal-steve-zeoli February 20, 2019
Logging books in TiddlyWiki February 20, 2019
Do We Write Differently on a Screen? February 20, 2019
org-and-vscode February 19, 2019
Exit Strategy (The Murderbot Diaries #4) February 19, 2019
Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries #3) February 17, 2019
scanning-station February 17, 2019
qobuz-us February 17, 2019
wikis-rush February 17, 2019
retrobatch February 17, 2019
Post icons February 17, 2019
Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff February 17, 2019
The Machine Stops - Oliver Sacks, The New Yorker February 16, 2019
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport February 16, 2019
Introducing MAYA: the incredible modern digital darkroom timer February 16, 2019
Possible revival for the failing TETENAL company February 16, 2019
vscode-today February 16, 2019
same-problems February 15, 2019
Blackwing Natural pencil February 15, 2019
pragdave February 14, 2019
flickr-login February 14, 2019
cult-of-done February 14, 2019
dads-garage February 14, 2019
lightroom-on-ipad February 14, 2019
caran-dache February 13, 2019
hasselblad February 13, 2019
close-to-capture-one February 13, 2019
peloton February 13, 2019
intense-debate February 12, 2019
cover-the-webcam February 11, 2019
Scaling back so I can think February 11, 2019
blog-cli-for-blot February 10, 2019
hook February 10, 2019
emacs-is-comfy-now February 10, 2019
AM February 9, 2019
ledger312 February 8, 2019
fathom-dev-back-to-php February 8, 2019
Power outage as productivity booster February 8, 2019
ipad-user-meets-emacs-user February 7, 2019
Adding On This Day feature to Blot - Amit Gawande February 7, 2019
testing-rss-for-microblog February 7, 2019
Testing Retrobatch February 6, 2019
Saving time with Emacs, or not. February 6, 2019
Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries, #2) February 6, 2019
Kordumb shares his Blot secrets February 6, 2019
just-right February 6, 2019
Displaying the most recent Journal entry in TiddlyWiki February 5, 2019
Die Trying (Jack Reacher #2) February 3, 2019
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1) February 3, 2019
Inserting the current weather into an Emacs buffer February 2, 2019
In Baltimore, the future of film culture is an old-school video store January 31, 2019
Facebook Versus Apple - Ben Thompson January 31, 2019
Billingham Hadley Small Pro Camera Bag January 30, 2019
What I’m using Emacs for January 30, 2019
c2md - Output HTML clipboard contents to markdown in the terminal January 29, 2019
It’s okay to not like things January 28, 2019
Why tag film photographs? - Bijan Sabet January 28, 2019
Hello (Again) Ello - Om Malik January 27, 2019
Things I want - Jamie Todd Rubin January 27, 2019
Why you should buy into the emacs platform - Two Wrongs January 26, 2019
Displaying a random quote in TiddlyWiki January 26, 2019
Phil Nunnally describes his attraction to TiddlyWiki January 25, 2019
M.G. Siegler mention January 24, 2019
A new way of including the weather in my Org Journal January 23, 2019
Intertwingling the TiddlyWiki January 23, 2019
Reflexive Shopping - TOP January 22, 2019
Mylio as a photo organizer January 22, 2019
Living with only Emacs and a browser January 21, 2019
Struggling with Lightroom CC January 20, 2019 January 8, 2019
Said I’d like to know where, you got the Notion January 8, 2019
Backlinks in TiddlyWiki December 31, 2018
Displaying Webmentions on a blog - Amit Gawande December 27, 2018
Running Tiddlywiki on a server December 6, 2018
A quick tour of my Tinderbox Daybook December 2, 2018
My first ride on the Peloton bike December 2, 2018
Why do I try so hard to use an iPad for everything? December 2, 2018
Rotary Pay Phones Return, This Time to Foil Drug Deals - NYT November 26, 2018
The self-deceit of “Future Proofing” November 25, 2018
First impressions of the Kobo Forma eReader November 24, 2018
There’s Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road - Farnam Street November 19, 2018
Project templates in DEVONthink November 18, 2018
Lightroom CC pros and cons November 17, 2018
TiddlyWiki November 12, 2018
Ejecting a CD stuck in an Apple SuperDrive November 11, 2018
Wars of Conflicting Webs - Kicks Condor November 11, 2018
Holding Dear: The Value of the Real by Steve Leveen November 10, 2018
How about dinner? November 9, 2018
Start stopping down November 9, 2018
Remind gets an update after 3 years November 9, 2018
Blot and/or Hugo and November 8, 2018
Getting the iPad to Pro — by Craig Mod November 8, 2018
Posting to Blot using Blotpub August 4, 2018
Happy 21st Century! - antipope August 3, 2018
Things 3 on the latest Mojave beta August 1, 2018
The Penna Bluetooth Keyboard July 31, 2018
Jonathan Franzen about personal market share July 31, 2018
My dad still plays hard July 29, 2018
Fixing cross-posted images between Blot and July 28, 2018
What, are we in college now? July 28, 2018
My favorite video game is “Inside” July 28, 2018
Getting Rid of Stuff July 25, 2018
The sad state of RSS on the Mac July 24, 2018
Trent Reznor on boredom and creativity July 24, 2018
Cooking is exhausting July 23, 2018
Packing up my vinyl for the move. July 22, 2018
how-to-beat-linked-in July 21, 2018
My Photography Website July 20, 2018
y2k-globe July 20, 2018
scientology-e-meters July 19, 2018
Spacemacs configuration changes July 19, 2018
“The Magic City. A Portfolio of Original Photographic Views of the Great World’s Fair”. 1894 July 17, 2018
greta-van-fleet July 17, 2018
RoboKiller July 17, 2018
Peanuts Gang Singing “2112” by: Rush July 17, 2018
What a Difference a Generation Makes July 16, 2018
Blot Gets It Right July 16, 2018 for another year July 15, 2018
blogging-tools-always-change June 20, 2018
Setting up a new Mac September 1, 2017
A Drastic Keyboard Change September 1, 2017
The Joy of Not Sharing August 31, 2017
Coolest Fence Ever August 31, 2017
Contact Sheets as Art August 30, 2017
Kindle 1st Edition August 20, 2017
Culling Apps Because of the iPad August 11, 2017
Reconsidering TextExpander August 7, 2017
Followers on - Ron Chester August 7, 2017
Dead iMac forces an iPad-only experiment August 6, 2017
A terrible case for not reading paper books August 5, 2017
People who don’t have a “Productivity System” are more productive August 5, 2017
I’ve had all this figured out for years August 5, 2017
Josie-in-car-(Olympus Stylus Epic, Tri-X) July 30, 2017
Gail-and-I-at-The-Score July 30, 2017
Blogging from Emacs July 20, 2017
Self-hosting Blot July 20, 2017
Posting to Blot using Ulysses July 17, 2017
Blot July 15, 2017
flowers July 15, 2017
It’s just that I love static sites so much June 5, 2017
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee June 2, 2017
Kodachrome Magazine, 2017 Issue 1 June 2, 2017
Likes on social networks should be private June 2, 2017
Facebook vs the Open Web June 2, 2017
Kelly Graduates June 1, 2017
Evergreen: A new feed reader from Brent Simmons June 1, 2017
Google’s Proprietary Fork of HTML Is Taking Over the Open Web May 31, 2017 May 31, 2017
Scripting News: May 31, 2017 May 31, 2017
John Wick: Chapter 2, 2017 - ★★★★ May 31, 2017
Notifications: A Tragedy Of the Digital Commons — Scott Belsky May 28, 2017
When site speed metrics make you do something silly May 27, 2017
If you think Schrodinger’s cat is weird, then… May 27, 2017
Hate Mowing Your Lawn? Good! Don’t Do It - The Nib May 26, 2017
Back to the Apple Watch for a Week — The Brooks Review May 20, 2017
Dave Winer on JSON Feed May 20, 2017
Kottke’s social media fast May 19, 2017
Love you, Mom! May 14, 2017
Silicon Valley: A Reality Check - Slate Star Codex May 14, 2017
Moom removed from sale May 13, 2017
I Don’t Believe in Blockchain - Tim Bray May 13, 2017
When introversion collides with the desire to connect May 12, 2017
Rolodex May 12, 2017
Polaroid Type 108 - Expired August 1977 May 12, 2017
First time printing with the Focomat IIc May 11, 2017
The Lure (2015) - ★★★★★ May 10, 2017
hello advertising, my old friend - Kottke May 8, 2017
The antidotes to populism: stoicism and civil society May 8, 2017
About that Ari Marcopoulos Camera Bag | The Machine Planet May 7, 2017
Moving on from - or not May 7, 2017
sunday-art-poop May 7, 2017
G.A.S. Attack Outflanked - Bruce Robbins May 7, 2017
48 May 7, 2017
Josie today May 6, 2017 May 6, 2017
That’s my boyfriend! she tells us March 16, 2008
why can’t I go insane December 30, 2007
There are things I must do December 3, 2007
A Madness Permeates the Air February 12, 2006
There are glasses on the nightstand May 15, 2004
the dress reveals nothing really May 15, 2004
hearing that the drummer has begun May 15, 2004
whatever shall we do with it May 15, 2004
melt into me May 15, 2004
It was during those days May 15, 2004
the crumbling sounds are getting louder May 15, 2004
She dresses herself and complains May 15, 2004
patience, the ellusive virtue May 15, 2004
and then of course there are the moments May 15, 2004
I met a man who had traveled far. May 15, 2004
As Never walked along with me May 15, 2004
the lighthouse keeps moving! May 15, 2004
it whispers and whorls May 15, 2004
the nothing is missing May 15, 2004
I’m sorry May 15, 2004
I wrote you that last time May 15, 2004