Tuesday, September 6, 2022

It’s been about a week using Blot and so far I’m thrilled to be back. I’ve never stuck with iA Writer for my general notes but for editing Markdown files for publishing with Blot, it’s quite nice. The combination is pretty sweet.

I’ve listed the Leica MP (Black Paint) for sale. Gasp!

The recent spate of AI tools for generative art are obviously amazing, revolutionary, and exciting. I just can’t seem to muster the energy to care.

I am so glad, now that the Mac line is awesome again, that I no longer have thoughts of Dell/Linux running distractingly in the back of my head.

I love the idea of manual typewriters. I have several nice ones. But I almost never use them.

Do I really want the artifacts of my life to be a stack of paper notebooks full of repetitive navel-gazing? Because right now that’s about all there is.

I’m feeling a digital photography phase coming on. Thinking of re-buying an M10-R. Why not a Q2 or SL2? Because I wan’t to try active photography rather than passive. I believe that the M helps with that. Why digital? Because I want to focus on taking pictures rather than the medium, process, and accoutrement.

Blot exposes a 404 log of my blog. This is great because it helps determine which content I’ve missed during migrations and where I need redirects.

Is there such a thing as old/shiny”? That’s what Blot is for me right now.

I just installed Insync as my Dropbox client on the MBP because Maestral kept crashing. If you’re reading this, it worked. (Update: It worked.)

I have changed my mind about whether or not to capitalize tag names at least 356 times. #Standards #consistency

I just reread Anything You Want by Derek Sivers. He mentions the dangers of trying to impress an invisible jury” and I realized that I do that all the time.

Shhhh, I’m typing this in Emacs.