Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Hooboy, it’s March.
Looking at the server analytics (I use GoAccess - Visual Web Log Analyzer) for this site shows that a large majority of “hits” are to the RSS feed. This makes me feel a little bad about posting so much over on the wiki. I know I keep saying that my daily notes are “for me” but that guilt I feel makes me think otherwise.
Oh cool, I posted on my Tumblr this morning.
I put a roll through the IIIC. It was fun. It’s a nice lens.
Self-portrait with Retina IIIC
My subscription to Reid Reviews has expired. I’m off subscriptions right now so I’m not going to renew yet. It’s a great resource, but focuses so much on the micro-differences between lenses and sensors and I’m not really interested in that lately.
Am I thinking about Ukraine? Of course I’m thinking about Ukraine. I’m terrified.
I am, slowly but surely, becoming bored. Not having a job is great, but I’ll need to feel useful eventually.