
Devil-mode for Emacs July 20, 2024
Using Cleandesk for Emacs April 22, 2024
The Emacs howm package for notes March 25, 2024
Sometimes I just want to write stuff in Emacs February 26, 2024
Creating Blot Journal entries using Emacs October 4, 2023
Quick blogging from Emacs September 28, 2023
Grab the weather forecast using weatherapi.com September 26, 2023
RSS feeds as emails using Notmuch and rss2email September 19, 2023
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 June 14, 2023
Saturday, June 10, 2023 June 10, 2023
A couple of Mu4e improvements May 6, 2023
I can’t be trusted with powerful software April 27, 2023
Printing daily.baty.net April 1, 2023
Back to Org-roam (from Denote) March 16, 2023
The Spark File March 11, 2023
A fix for backlink display with Org-roam and Doom Emacs March 5, 2023
Everything is here now February 27, 2023
Things I can’t quit: Film photography and Emacs February 14, 2023
Converting Markdown to Org-mode syntax in current buffer December 2, 2022
Keeping my Org Agenda updated based on Denote keywords November 30, 2022
Everything is in ~/org September 30, 2022
Tagging deleted messages in Notmuch September 21, 2022
iA Writer vs Emacs September 8, 2022
C-x C-c June 29, 2022
Marking a region for highlighting in Hugo posts June 12, 2022
Book logging in Emacs April 29, 2022
Searching Org-roam files April 21, 2022
Publishing portions of my Org-roam database March 27, 2022
Aligning comments in Emacs March 25, 2022
Configuring the org-download save directory March 19, 2022
How simple can it get? March 5, 2021
Emacs from Scratch…again March 2, 2021
Org-roam vs other Roam-alikes May 29, 2020
Keeping Org-roam Daily Notes in a separate folder May 29, 2020
Part One of My Battles with Emacs - macosxguru May 18, 2020
Take lots of notes — but where? May 12, 2020
org-mode In Your Pocket Is a GNU-Shaped Devil - Mike Hall April 19, 2020
Doom Emacs vs my custom Emacs config February 17, 2020
My day so far in Roam and/or Emacs February 14, 2020
Early notes about Roam Research February 14, 2020
Reining in Emacs February 12, 2020
I should just get really good at Emacs May 29, 2019
Fontifying org-mode DONE items May 21, 2019
helm-ivy April 26, 2019
spacemacs-hybrid-mode April 24, 2019
Centaur emacs April 23, 2019
trying-to-quit-emacs April 11, 2019
emacs-windows March 1, 2019
nord-theme-for-emacs February 28, 2019
org-and-vscode February 19, 2019
pragdave February 14, 2019
emacs-is-comfy-now February 10, 2019
ipad-user-meets-emacs-user February 7, 2019
Saving time with Emacs, or not. February 6, 2019
Inserting the current weather into an Emacs buffer February 2, 2019
What I’m using Emacs for January 30, 2019
Why you should buy into the emacs platform - Two Wrongs January 26, 2019
A new way of including the weather in my Org Journal January 23, 2019
Living with only Emacs and a browser January 21, 2019
Spacemacs configuration changes July 19, 2018
Blogging from Emacs July 20, 2017

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