
File Management Fatigue May 19, 2024
How should I define "Simplify"? March 24, 2024
No longer keeping my notes in a Git repo February 28, 2024
Grab the weather forecast using September 26, 2023
Renaming an item in DEVONthink to match the name of its parent group June 12, 2023
Coming to my senses about Mimestream June 11, 2023
Overthinking Email June 8, 2023
Blogging options June 7, 2023
Obsidian again? June 5, 2023
Bike Outliner May 22, 2023
Prepending creation date to selected files using AppleScript (macOS) May 4, 2023
Adding weather info to DEVONthink’s daily journals April 29, 2023
I can’t be trusted with powerful software April 27, 2023
My read-later service is made of paper March 30, 2023
The Spark File March 11, 2023
The iPad as a diversion February 9, 2023
Back to scanning film with a real scanner December 30, 2022
DEVONthink or EagleFiler (or Finder?) December 23, 2022
It was meant to be a workbench but has become a writing desk December 22, 2022
Beyond the Infinite December 5, 2022
Printing web pages November 13, 2022
Personal Knowledge Management is exhausting October 10, 2022
Moving my journal to (mostly) digital June 5, 2022
Trying a hybrid (digital/analog) workspace May 24, 2022
Reset to Defaults May 20, 2022
The West Wing Productivity System April 12, 2022
A tweak to the photo workflow June 25, 2021
Using Zotero as a bookmarking and read-later service June 16, 2021
May is “Easy Mode” month May 1, 2021
How simple can it get? March 5, 2021
Apps I’m using this week January 25, 2021
Bi-directional linking between anything using Hook January 9, 2021
The answer to “Whom should I let manage my photos?” January 2, 2021
Who should I let manage my photos? December 30, 2020
Using the Skier Sunray Copy Box 3 for digital film scanning October 24, 2020
More notes about Mylio for photo management April 14, 2020
Using Mylio for photo management April 10, 2020
First draft of new basement workspace April 4, 2020
My changing attitude about the iPad as a real computer April 4, 2020
Bringing my photos in from the cloud November 9, 2019
Keeping a Digital Print Archive July 7, 2019
Minimal configuration, just in case? May 2, 2019
thebrain-and-tinderbox April 18, 2019
morning-page-count April 16, 2019
hook February 10, 2019
Power outage as productivity booster February 8, 2019
Saving time with Emacs, or not. February 6, 2019
just-right February 6, 2019
Said I’d like to know where, you got the Notion January 8, 2019
A quick tour of my Tinderbox Daybook December 2, 2018
Why do I try so hard to use an iPad for everything? December 2, 2018
Project templates in DEVONthink November 18, 2018
Lightroom CC pros and cons November 17, 2018
Remind gets an update after 3 years November 9, 2018
Setting up a new Mac September 1, 2017
Culling Apps Because of the iPad August 11, 2017
Reconsidering TextExpander August 7, 2017
Dead iMac forces an iPad-only experiment August 6, 2017

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