Reading Wise again

I signed up for Readwise again. The idea is that I’d like it to be easier to save, read, annotate, and archive articles. I have fancy ways to do that already, but they’re too fancy, if you know what I mean. I’m hoping to just click something and go find it later, without the need to figure out where to put it or what to name it or where I might want to read it.

I’d like to work on a long-form article->reMarkable tablet workflow, but haven’t begun looking at that yet.

Kobo book highlights are imported automatically, for books purchased via Kobo. Any sideloaded books require a small app on my Mac.

I kind of missed the daily highlight summary emails, too.

It’s $8.99/month and I’m paying monthly because I change my mind a lot and in the end it’s often cheaper to pay monthly.